A IDS is the short form of “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”, the final and deadliest stage of infection occurs when the body's immune system is badly affected or damaged due to “HIV” (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Cells that help a human to fight body infection are attacked by the HIV virus that makes a person vulnerable to different diseases & infections by harming the immune system, destroying the white blood cells. HIV spreads by contacting certain bodily fluids due to unprotected intimacy, leaving it untreated can cause AIDS. The person getting HIV can have its medicine as according to the research mostly people in US having HIV don’t develop Aids as they take the medicine which stops the progression of the diseases. With AIDS a person can only survive for 3 years approximately with the medicine but in case of avoiding the treatment a person can have a dangerous opportunistic illness, life expectancy without proper treatment can fall to about one year only. So it’s ver...

Operating under the Ziauddin Trust, Dr Ziauddin Group of Hospitals is one of the largest private groups in Pakistan. Its mission has been to reach out to the masses & cater to their needs of quality health care facilities at affordable rates. All facilities, radiology, laboratory, medical and surgical treatments under Dr Ziauddin Hospital are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment & focused on providing services of the highest quality certified by ISO 9001:2015