D isability is any state associated with specially-abled person who sustain a condition from doing things in a way other person around him do. It creates difficulties for a person to do certain actions or well interactions with the world around them materially or socially. Such conditions/impairment may be rational, intellectual, mental, physical, and developmental or a combination of multiple factors, these causes of disability may be present from birth or can be developed during a lifetime. The word disability applies to everyone dealing with any form of incapacities. It is present among everyone be it temporarily or permanent, at some point of life one has to experience the disability, it’s a part of being Human. According to the research over one billion (15% of the global population) lives with some form of disability and the number of people having it is increasing rapidly. It mostly results from the interaction between individuals having a health condition i.e; down sy...

Operating under the Ziauddin Trust, Dr Ziauddin Group of Hospitals is one of the largest private groups in Pakistan. Its mission has been to reach out to the masses & cater to their needs of quality health care facilities at affordable rates. All facilities, radiology, laboratory, medical and surgical treatments under Dr Ziauddin Hospital are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment & focused on providing services of the highest quality certified by ISO 9001:2015