C ervical spine has a total of 7 bones that has a separation from one another by the intervertebral discs, allowing them to move freely and absorbing any kind of shock while doing any form of activities. c ervical stenosis is a disorder which is caused mostly due to aging when there is a compression on the spinal cord and the entire spinal canal narrows down. The spine discs has a possibility to dry out when it separates and cushion vertebrae which causes shrinking the space between the vertebrae losing the ability of action while absorbing any type of shock, also the bones and ligaments makes the spine less thicken & flexible resulting the spinal canal to narrow down due to these changes. The degeneration of the bones can be possible due to many reasons that might include any form of injury, age, poor pressure or any kind of diseases i.e., arthritis which can cause disc herniation. Also possibility of disc herniation, blood destruction is also present due to unexpecte...

Operating under the Ziauddin Trust, Dr Ziauddin Group of Hospitals is one of the largest private groups in Pakistan. Its mission has been to reach out to the masses & cater to their needs of quality health care facilities at affordable rates. All facilities, radiology, laboratory, medical and surgical treatments under Dr Ziauddin Hospital are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment & focused on providing services of the highest quality certified by ISO 9001:2015