The practice of fasting during the month of Ramadan, if done correctly, can provide various health benefits. The daily fasts throughout the holy month are thought to purify the body. Nevertheless, it's essential to maintain these beneficial effects after Ramadan. However, after a month of fasting, taking care of your body and rebalancing it is important. In this blog, we will discuss some tips on how to rebalance your body after Ramadan's fasting. Hydrate your body : During Ramadan, your body has gone without water for long hours. Therefore, it is essential to hydrate your body properly after the fast. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. You can also consume other hydrating liquids like coconut water, fresh fruit juices, or herbal tea. Reintroduce food slowly : After a month of fasting, your body may not be accustomed to eating regular meals. It is crucial to reintroduce food slowly and gradually. Start with light meals, and gradually increase the portion size an...

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