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Pink October: kill cancer not the hope

Imagine a creepy parasite hidden in your body, feeding on your strength, wellness, and happiness. Well, that is what Cancer will look like if it had a body form. It will remain inside your body without any symptoms and just suddenly exposed itself without any warning.

Having breast cancer is taboo in our society. The literacy rate of cancer awareness is almost negligible. People fear being a victim of it, but nobody wants to talk about it. The survivors are not being encouraged for telling their stories. Even with the rising cases, we fail to acknowledge that Breast cancer touches more lives than you may think.

So, let’s just not beat about the bush and face it. The number of women being affected by this lethal diagnosis is increasing day by day. Now we cannot turn our faces around. It affects more than 2 million women across the whole world every year. In Pakistan, 1 of every 9 women has a risk of developing breast cancer. This is a high time to spread awareness related to breast cancer so the delay in diagnosis cannot cost the life and happiness of these innocent women.

Battling with the risk of breast cancer in a society where breast health isn’t considered a matter of importance is difficult. You can’t face the severity of the disease or visit a physician for diagnosis if you feel you are at risk because of the extreme societal pressure. Women are ashamed to openly discuss their breast wellness. They are also too scared and shy to share it with their consultant until it is too late. Regular breast screening by mammogram is the key to avoid breast cancer because it reflects the sign of cancer before it physically appears. The women who are middle aged or has family history, obesity is at high risk of developing breast cancer. They need mammogram scanning at least once in a 6 month.

Cancer awareness session are now held throughout the world to educate people about this life-threatening condition. They educate them to be aware of their family history of any form of cancer and to be vocal about their breast health.

They teach people to examine themselves on regular basis and consult doctors as soon as possible if they notice any symptom or deformity, lumps, or pain in their breast. They also conduct storytelling sessions to encourage breast cancer survivors to share their survival stories and reassure the patients who are currently battling with it to hold on to hope. All these act ivies are aimed at expanding their horizons and inspiring them with true stories of successful healing. And allowing them to see cancer in a new light. Cancer is a reality and we have to face it with courage.

“So, support the fighters, admire the survivors, honor the taken and just never give up the hope”

Ruby Shabbir

Senior Manager MID

Dr. Ziauddin Hospital North

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